Matt Chambers, SMRM Staff 2011

You know those days where you are completely awestruck by our amazing God? Well, today was one of those days for me. It started off as a normal Sunday morning arriving at work early to pass out a worship sheet with scripture and words of encouragement as well as free donuts for my co-workers. I was sleepy as always- going into my fourth straight 12-hour workday. While handing out the worship sheet I was approached by a co-worker who asked me to give him a Scripture verse he could memorize. I was surprised! I had not been asked this before. I was used to the same routine where they come, take the donut and the sheet, say “thanks”, and move on in their routines.

I was clueless. I had no idea what verse to share with him so I asked him what kind of verse he would like (while praying silently to God to help me with this). My friend told me he just wanted something to help him get through the day. Immediately strength came to my mind so I thought of 2 Chronicles 16:9 which says; “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” I wrote the verse and when I handed it to him he did a fist pump. That was really cool to me! However, what is even more astounding is what happened during my lunch break. While I was eating he came up to me and recited (from memory) the verse I had given him. I was overjoyed to see how committed and excited he was about a Bible verse! We continue to visit so that we can encourage each other to memorize more of the Good News!

This experience has taught me two things. First, scripture memorization is so important. I was at work and did not have my Bible, nor did I have cell phone reception, I couldn’t even pull up an online Bible. I panicked at first and prayed to God, which brings me to my second learning experience. God provided me with this verse when I needed it most and that was proof to me that the eyes of the Lord truly do range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. HE REIGNS!