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Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries7 days ago
It’s been a great weekend serving and loving like Jesus loves!
Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries3 weeks ago
Update: today, on the morning of her 83 birthday, Carol went into the loving arms of Jesus. What a day of rejoicing for her, but we are saddened that she is no longer with us. Please join us in prayer for her family, friends, and the ministries that will miss her deeply.
Dear SMRM Family, we request your prayers for one of our own. Carol Pharris has served throughout the years as a house parent, booth sitter, listening ear, prayer warrior, and faithful friend! Ealier this month, Carol had a stroke and is dealing with the havoc that it has brought. It’s our turn to storm the gates of heaven with our prayers…prayers for pain relief, peace of mind and body, peace for family and friends, God’s peace and healing! (This picture is from the Gatlinburg Craftsman Fair, October 2024. Carol was faithfully sharing the love of Jesus as she shared cookies with our crafters.)
Dear SMRM Family, we request your prayers for one of our own. Carol Pharris has served throughout the years as a house parent, booth sitter, listening ear, prayer warrior, and faithful friend! Ealier this month, Carol had a stroke and is dealing with the havoc that it has brought. It’s our turn to storm the gates of heaven with our prayers…prayers for pain relief, peace of mind and body, peace for family and friends, God’s peace and healing! (This picture is from the Gatlinburg Craftsman Fair, October 2024. Carol was faithfully sharing the love of Jesus as she shared cookies with our crafters.)
Smoky Mountain Resort Ministries4 weeks ago
Extra special help this morning with two of the @smokiesacmnp team for Saturday Morning Snacks at Ober! 25 pounds of oranges, 80 packs of muffins and 120 granola bars, with a printed devotional, and a whole lots of Jesus!