Lindi Berkey, LeConte Lodge Chaplain

Lindi has served as Chaplain at LeConte Lodge for two seasons.   In the tradition of all of our chaplains, she is one of the best.  Her heart for the mountain, its guests, and its crew is large and generous.  Her heart for God is filled with desire to live in Him and to serve Him.  It is a great privilege to work with her and have her as part of our SMRM family.

The great news is that Lindi is moving onto Mt LeConte and will be working there as crew at the Lodge for the rest of the season!    We have always wanted to try a full time chaplain who works as crew.  Lindi is absolutely perfect to pioneer this assignment.

Here is what Lindi says about this move:

“I have been spending three days a week in a hospital as a nurse and every other weekend on Mt LeConte as chaplain. Yet every day I found myself yearning to be in the woods, on a mountain, and worshipping God in His creation. After months of praying for God’s guidance in my life I have only felt myself being called more strongly to continue to lead worship on the mountain. In a God-led decision and a moment of strength/insanity I quit my job, moved my belongings into a storage locker, and took a job as LeConte crew!  Better yet I can now be full time chaplain. Scary? Yes! But I’ve found time and again when you give it all up and submit your life to God, then is He able to do great and amazing things!”

Joey is arranging a group of SMRM volunteers to work as sherpas and carry her belongings up the mountain (since she missed airlift in March)!    Let us know quickly if you want to volunteer in this project. 

Pray for Lindi as she accepts a new task from God: sharing blessings on Mt. LeConte!